THE HINDU Editorial Vocabulary - June 13, 2018 - Topic 2
Transplantation of human organs is today a mature
programme in many States, making it possible for people with kidney, liver,
heart and lung failure to extend their lives. Heart and lung transplants are
expensive and less widely available, compared with kidney and liver procedures.
State governments, which have responsibility for health care provision, are
expected to ensure that the organs that are altruistically donated by families
of brain-dead people are given to recipients ethically, and as mandated by law.
Priority for citizens enrolled in the State and national waiting lists over
foreign nationals is laid down in the Transplantation of Human Organs and
Tissues Rules. When the law is clear, it is extraordinary that seemingly
preferential allotment of hearts and lungs has been made to foreign patients in
Tamil Nadu — in 2017, foreigners accounted for 25% of heart transplants and 33%
of lung transplants. The State is a pioneer in orderly and transparent
allocation of deceased-donor organs, and has worked consistently to eliminate
commerce in kidneys procured from poor living donors. The Transplant Authority
of Tamil Nadu has served as a model for other States that now have their own
programmes. Every effort must be made to ensure that it retains this high reputation,
and organs go to the most suitable recipients on the rule-based parameters of
domicile, citizenship, Indian origin and foreign nationality, in that order.
Organ transplants display a maturity curve over
time, with a rise in the number of procedures improving outcomes and reducing
costs. Heart and lung transplants are complicated procedures. Few Indian
patients are willing to opt for one, compared to kidney and liver. Kidney and
liver programmes have reached a high level of maturity, resulting in rising
demand. Most of these organs go to citizens. Tamil Nadu offers a subsidy for
poor patients for a liver transplant. Any inquiry into the allocation of hearts
and lungs to foreigners should, therefore, shed light on the factors that led
to the decisions, including whether registered citizens were overlooked. It
should cover such issues as the capacity of district-level hospitals to perform
transplants, and arrangements to air-lift organs, since domestic patients are
unable to afford flight facilities. Such measures will make it possible to
utilise more hearts and lungs, and offer them to domestic recipients. Enrolling
all domestic patients through State registries should be the priority for the
National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation, set up by the Centre with
that mandate. Nothing should be done to erode the confidence of the kin of
brain-dead people who donate organs with no expectation of gain. Hospitals and
professionals who engage in commerce or unethical
behaviour should have no place in the system.
Mature: fully
developed physically; full-grown.
Example: She
was now a mature woman
Synonyms: adult, grown-up, grown, fully
grown, full-grown, of age, fully developed
Provision: the
action of providing or supplying something for use.
Example: New
contracts for the provision of services
Synonyms: supplying, supply, providing, giving, presentation, donation
Altruistic: showing
a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.
Example: It
was an entirely altruistic act
Synonyms: unselfish, selfless, compassionate, kind, public-spirited, charitable
Recipient: a
person or thing that receives or is awarded something.
Example: The
recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
Synonyms: receiver, beneficiary, legatee, donee
Preferential: involving
preference or partiality; constituting a favor or privilege.
Example: Preferential
interest rates may be offered to employees
Synonyms: special, better, privileged, superior, favorable, partial, discriminatory
Pioneer: develop
or be the first to use or apply a new method, area of knowledge, or activity
Example: He
has pioneered a number of innovative techniques
Synonyms: introduce, develop, evolve, launch, instigate, initiate, spearhead
Domicile: the
country that a person treats as their permanent home, or lives in and has a
substantial connection with.
Example: His
wife has a domicile of origin in Germany
Transplant: move
or transfer something to another place or situation, typically with some effort
or upheaval.
Example: His
endeavor to transplant people from Russia to the Argentine
Synonyms: transfer, move, remove, shift, relocate, take
Mandate: an
official order or commission to do something.
Example: A
mandate to seek the release of political prisoners
Synonyms: instruction, directive, decree, command, order, injunction
Expectation: a
strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.
Example: Reality
had not lived up to expectations
Synonyms: supposition, assumption, presumption, conjecture, surmise, calculation