Recommended books for Mains
Hi friends,
Civil Services is a dream job for us. Every Success story wake up with dream. A dream doesn’t become reality through magic, It takes sweat, determination and Hard work/Smart work.
For achieving our dream job, First and foremost thing is that, to know the Syllabus, then which material(s) is useful for this and Strategy. I already posted Syllabus (You can Check here Prelims and Mains). 2nd step is that, which material(s)/books are important to achieve target.
As you know that, Civil services examination conducts in 3 stages i.e., Prelims, Mains and Interview.
First step is to Clear Prelims. We already posted recommended books for Prelims(You can check here). After qualify of Prelims our next target is to clear Mains i.e., Second step. So that, here we are providing books list that we have to read to clear second stage of the Civil services. Please read all books which I mentioned below.
*** Here, We are providing links to buy books online from Amazon or Flipkart. No need to search in Online.
Mains General studies Paper 2
Mains General studies Paper 3
*** Here, We are providing links to buy books online from Amazon or Flipkart. No need to search in Online.
- A compendium
of Essays Unique Test Series (Amazon / Flipkart)
- The Hindu Editorials & perspective
- Rajyasabha
TV: The Big Picture
Mains General studies Paper 1
(Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World
and Society)
- Certificate
Physical and Human Geography (English) New Edition (Amazon/Flipkart)
- Geography of
India- Majid Hussain (Amazon/Flipkart)
Indian Heritage and Culture:
- India since
Independence (English) (Amazon/Flipkart)
- India's
Struggle for independence (Amazon/Flipkart)
- India after
Gandhi (Amazon/Flipkart)
- History of
the World – Arjun Dev (Amazon/Flipkart)
- Indian Social
System – Ram Ahuja (Amazon/Flipkart)
- Social
Problems in India 2 Edition – Ram Ahuja (Amazon/Flipkart)
Mains General studies Paper 2
(Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International
Governance Constitution and Polity
- Introduction
to the Constitution of India by D D Basu (Amazon / Flipkart)
- Indian Polity
for Civil Services Exam - Laxmikanth (Amazon/ Flipkart)
International Relations:
- International
Relations – V N Khanna (Amazon / Flipkart)
- India’s
Foreign Policy – Muchkund Dubey (Amazon / Flipkart)
Mains General studies Paper 3
(Technology, Economic Development, Bio diversity, Environment, Security and
Disaster Management)
- Economic Survey and Union Budget
- Indian Economy : For Civil Services Examinations – Ramesh Singh (Amazon / Flipkart)
- The Indian
Economy – Sanjiv Verma (Amazon/Flipkart)
Science and Technology:
Bio diversity, Environment, Security and
Disaster Management:
Mains General studies Paper 4
(Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude)
- Emotional
intelligence by Daniel Goleman (Amazon / Flipkart)
- 2nd Administrative Reforms
- Politics and Ethics of the Indian Constitution – Review (Amazon / Flipkart)
- Public
Institutions in India: Performance and Design (Amazon / Flipkart)
- Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude for Civil Services Examination
(English) 3 Edition (Amazon / Flipkart)