THE HINDU Editorial Vocabulary - July 11, 2018 - Topic 1
It is perhaps no surprise that political parties are deeply divided over the idea of holding
simultaneous elections for the Lok Sabha and the
State Assemblies. During consultations initiated by the Law
Commission of India, nine parties opposed it, arguing
that it went against the constitutional fabric and that it would be
impractical. Four parties backed the concept. The BJP has sought time for a
detailed response, though it is Prime Minister Narendra Modi who has been
advocating the idea.
The Congress has now spoken out against the proposal. In
principle, there are obvious advantages to the ‘one nation, one election’ idea
— election expenditure will be drastically cut and ruling dispensations will be
able to focus on legislation and governance rather than having to be in
campaign mode forever. However, as many of the naysayers have pointed out, the
idea is fraught with practical difficulties. Also, some parties fear that a
simultaneous poll, particularly in this era where news is easily and widely
disseminated, will privilege national issues over regional ones even if,
arguably, the reverse may happen too. The issue is that synchronisation would
involve curtailment or extension of the tenure of a House — the legal propriety
of which is questionable.
The key proposal is that Assemblies be bunched
into two categories based on whether their terms end close to the 2019 or the
2024 Lok Sabha elections. Elections could be held for one group in 2019, and
for another in 2024 so that subsequent elections could be synchronised. Or,
polls could be held for one group along with the 2019 election,and for the rest 30 months
later, so that there is a round of elections every two and a half years. An
attempt at solving the problem of regimes falling due to lack of majority is
the proposal for a ‘constructive vote of no-confidence’. This means that when
passing a motion expressing lack of trust in a regime, legislators must
necessarily propose an alternative. If a mid-term election has to be held, the
term of such a House would only be for the remainder of its tenure. These two
recommendations may partially address the question raised by the DMK on whether
all Assemblies would be dissolved too if the Lok Sabha has to be prematurely
dissolved. However, it is unclear if it will be palatable for all parties to
invest their time and resources in an election that would win them only a
curtailed term. Allowing a one-time waiver of the anti-defection law to enable
the House to elect a leader in the event of a hung House is another proposal.
However, these reforms can be adopted even without simultaneous elections.
Also, there are many pressing reforms needed in the electoral space including
curbing the use of black money to fund elections and tackling the staggered
manner in which elections are held in many States.
Perhaps: used
to express uncertainty or possibility.
Example: Perhaps
I should have been frank with him
Synonyms: maybe, for
all one knows, it could be, it's possible, possibly
Simultaneous: occurring,
operating, or done at the same time.
Example: A
simultaneous withdrawal of all troops
Synonyms: concurrent, contemporaneous, concomitant
Impractical: not
adapted for use or action; not sensible or realistic.
Example: Impractical
high heels
Synonyms: unsuitable, not
sensible, inappropriate, unserviceable
Obvious: easily
perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent.
Example: Unemployment
has been the most obvious cost of the recession
Synonyms: clear, crystal
clear, plain,evident, apparent, manifest, patent
Dispensation: exemption
from a rule or usual requirement.
Example: Although
she was too young, she was given special dispensation to play two matches
Synonyms: exemption, immunity, exception, exoneration, reprieve, remission
Disseminate: spread
or disperse something, especially information widely.
Example: Health
authorities should foster good practice by disseminating information
Synonyms: spread, circulate, distribute, disperse, promulgate, propagate, publicize
Curtailment: the
action or fact of reducing or restricting something.
Example: The
curtailment of human rights
Subsequent: coming
after something in time; following.
Example: The
theory was developed subsequent to the earthquake of 1906
Synonyms: following, ensuing, succeeding, later, future, coming, to
come, next
Tenure: the
conditions under which land or buildings are held or occupied.
Example: Big
operations use leased land, with tenures typically of two to five years.
Synonyms: incumbency, term
of office, term, period of/in office, time, time in office
Stagger: walk
or move unsteadily, as if about to fall.
Example: He
staggered to his feet, swaying a little
Synonyms: lurch, walk
unsteadily, reel, sway, teeter, totter, stumble, wobble