THE HINDU Editorial Vocabulary - October 4, 2018 - No sweeping change
India’s Swachh Bharat Mission is receiving global
praise for attempting to close the sanitation gap of nearly 60% of the rural
population not having access to a toilet at home in 2014. The NDA government
invoked Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of a clean and healthy country when it launched
the ambitious programme. On the eve of Independence, Gandhi saw the lack of a
“sense of national or social sanitation” as the root of all diseases among
Indians. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a Swachh movement in 2014 to
change that, and four years later the outcomes show that achieving social
change is far from easy.
For the BJP-led government at the Centre, the SBM
enjoys arguably the highest priority, and a ₹16,400-crore
fund was raised for it during 2015-17 when a special cess was in force. On
Gandhi Jayanti this year, the SBM’s Gramin wing declared it has constructed
86.7 million Individual Household Latrines and raised sanitation access to 94%
in rural areas; 5,07,369 villages are now ‘open defecation free’. On the face
of it, this is big advance. But there is a need for a close audit of the
outcomes. In some States, such as Rajasthan, independent verification shows
that the social change that the SBM hopes to achieve remains elusive, and
traditionally oppressed communities continue to manually remove filth from dry
latrines used by the upper castes. There are reports of a similar situation
prevailing in some parts of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh too. What this
shows is that the very evil that Gandhi wanted to see changed — of some castes
condemned to do such work by others — persists.
Besides making sanitation a movement through the
provision of well-designed toilets and behaviour change in rural India, the SBM
should have a broader vision of what constitutes cleanliness. The Centre
asserts that urban toilet coverage is now 87% of the target, and nearly
three-fourths of the wards in the country have door-to-door collection of
municipal waste, but the lived experience of the city-dweller, especially in
the bigger metros, is different. Waste volumes continue to grow as economic
growth spurs consumption. The laws on municipal solid waste, protection of
water sources and pollution control are just not being enforced. The official
machinery required to enforce legal provisions vigorously, and the
infrastructure to manage waste scientifically are inadequate, making it
unlikely that there will be significant public health outcomes flowing from
high-profile cleaning campaigns. Without full commitment to these aspects of
development, there is little chance of meaningfully achieving the Sustainable Development
Goals on water and sanitation anytime soon. Besides ending manual scavenging,
the Swachh Bharat Mission must ensure that the manual cleaning of septic tanks,
which is killing so many workers each year, is stopped and that funds for
rehabilitation reach them.
Praise: the
expression of approval or admiration for someone or something.
Example: The
audience was full of praise for the whole production
Synonyms: approval, acclaim, admiration, approbation, acclamation
Outcome: the
way a thing turns out; a consequence.
Example: It
is the outcome of the vote that counts
Synonyms: result, end
result, consequence, net result, upshot, aftereffect
Arguably: it
may be argued used to qualify the statement of an opinion or belief
Example: She
is arguably the greatest woman tennis player of all time
Synonyms: possibly, conceivably, feasibly, plausibly, probably, maybe, perhaps
Prevailing: prove
more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious.
Example: It
is hard for logic to prevail over emotion
Synonyms: win, win
out/through, triumph, be victorious, carry the day, come
out on top
Condemned: express
complete disapproval of, typically in public; censure
Example: Fair-minded
people declined to condemn her on mere suspicion
Synonyms: censure, criticize, denounce, revile, blame, chastise, berate, reprimand
Consumption: the
using up of a resource.
Example: Industrialized
countries should reduce their energy consumption
Synonyms: use, utilization, expending, depletion, waste, squandering, dissipation
Vigorous: strong,
healthy, and full of energy.
Example: And
the pope, we're told, kept up his full, vigorous schedule this Christmas Eve,
despite his frail health.
Synonyms: robust, healthy, hale
and hearty, strong, sturdy, fit, hardy, tough
Aspect: a
particular part or feature of something.
Example: The
financial aspect can be overstressed
Synonyms: feature, facet, side, characteristic, particular, detail, angle, slant
Rehabilitation: the
action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and
therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness.
Example: She
underwent rehabilitation and was walking within three weeks